Comfort is on the Horizon

Fenwick Plumbing Service Blog

FAQs About Residential Plumbing

When there is problem with your plumbing, you might want to try and fix it yourself before you opt for calling in the expert who might charge you hundreds of dollars. If you are a novice, here are some tips…
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Want to Remodel Your Bathroom? Start with Pinterest

f you’re not familiar with Pinterest, it’s a pinboard-style website used for sharing photos and videos with other online friends who have similar interests.  It’s similar to other social networking sites, but you can only pin images or videos onto…
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How Much is That Running Toilet Really Costing You?

Running toilets can be extremely annoying.  They can literally keep you up all night long.  It’s not just that constant dripping, swooshing noise that keeps you awake, either; it’s the knowledge that water that you pay for is being carried…
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Dos and Don’ts of Home Plumbing

If you’ve got out the do-it-yourself home plumbing book and you’re ready to do some home repairs on your own, congratulations!  Before you put wrenches to metal, however, here are some dos and don’ts to help you get started.  Let’s start with…
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Cool Kitchen Sinks

When it comes to our kitchens, many of us go for the simple is better route. We will buy the same, old style technologies we have become used to. However, there are a myriad of products out there to allow…
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What Should You do if You Have a Clogged Drain?

At one time or another, we have all experienced the frustration that comes from discovering a clogged drain in our plumbing. And we’ve tried everything to fix it ourselves, with limited success, in order to save ourselves a little money…
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